Sizmek Releases HTML5 VPAID Authoring Tool within Ad Builder

Sizmek, the open Ad management company, has updated its HTML5 Ad Builder tool with VPAID (Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition) primarily for interactive video campaigns. This solution empowers creatives to build more engaging and interactive video experiences for campaigns as the shift takes place from Flash-based ads to HTML5 ads.

As HTML5 overtakes the Flash ads in the digital advertising industry, the video creation industry is in a state of flux. The Flash videos do not play automatically on the popular browsers. Even after the death of Flash ads, brands feel that interactive video formats need to continue. Publishers are also making an attempt to preserve their interactive video revenue.

Till now, most of the authoring tools have been templated heavily which in turn limits the creativity. This updated HTML5 Video tool unveiled by Sizmek will help publishers to make a transition from one era to another. HTML5 VPAID is one among the series of new offerings which have been built with the aim to empower customers craft rich media campaigns which is driven by programmatic data. With this new authoring tool, video advertisement networks can not only preserve their Flash VPAID revenue but also work their way up the HTML5 learning curve while retaining the best design principles.

In an official release, Jamie Singson, Director, Product Marketing, Sizmek, said, “Interactive video has been left in this weird life-support, nether-state where it is still being built in Flash but the entire display world has already begun to move to HTML5 formats.” He added that at Sizmek, they are excited that their offerings not only help the customers to keep up with the shifts in the industry but also gain an advantage by creating interactive, impactful, and engaging video campaigns.

Sizmek enters into partnership with Yahoo! JAPAN

Sizmek has also announced a strategic partnership with Yahoo! JAPAN. After this partnership Yahoo! JAPAN will become the exclusive distributor of Sizmek products and platform in Japan. Gen Miyazawa, the executive corporate officer and President of Media and Marketing Solutions Group at Yahoo! JAPAN has said that through the partnership with Sizmek they will be able to offer their clients with integrated solutions more effectively and efficiently. Neil Nguyen, the chief executive officer at Sizmek said that they are excited to partner with Yahoo! JAPAN and starting from February 2017, they will provide services of the Sizmek platform in Japan.

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