Shirtless agent spruiks beachside home continuing trend from the last sale

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In the advertising video, which has been loaded to YouTube, Mr Turner is filmed from above scooping up a towel and sprinting across the sand after a dip in the Barwon River.

A high-flying drone tracks him as he runs, full pelt, across the road and down a lane.

Cut to a ground-level shot of the front of the house – Mr Turner strolls around the corner and pauses on the deck, towel slung nonchalantly over his shoulder.

« So close to the river, one street back from the main street … with no passing traffic, » he says.

« Enjoy the cafes and restaurants….whatever your vice, everything is ever so close. »

The video doesn’t show inside the home but it seems buyers don’t mind.

Auctioneer Christian Bartley, who came up with the video idea, said nine contracts have been handed out since the campaign launched about a fortnight ago.

Mr Bartley, the managing director and founder of Bellarine Property, intended to star in the video himself but a clash of commitments meant Mr Turner – his colleague on the listing – got the call-up.

« He said, ‘I have to get my gear off?’ I said, ‘Yeah man, you do’, » Mr Bartley said.

He said the vendors, who are based overseas, requested the agents « take their pants off » in the marketing campaign.

Mr Bartley auctioned the property to the current owners and flashed a bit of flesh, removing his suit trousers and bringing down the hammer in his boardies to emphasise the proximity of the beach.

« Nine years later and the owners, who now live in Switzerland, contacted me and said ‘We want you to do the auction – and will you take your pants off again?' » he said.

The video helped to promote a lifestyle and not just the bricks and mortar, he said.

« People can get an understanding it is not far from the water, » Mr Bartley said.

« I wanted to highlight how close we are to the Barwon River – photos are great and websites are great, but you have to be able to visually describe how good it is.

« We are aiming for an Oscar. »

Mr Bartley said his agency colleagues have warned Mr Turner that some buyers might request a personal tour at the open for inspections.

But, for serious house-hunters and not just those wanting a gander at Mr Turner, the agents are quoting $870,000-plus, with an auction on March 7.

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