Jack Reacher 2 Wants You to Punch A Ton Of Bad Guys In Its Online Video Game

With only a month to go until Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is released, Paramount has unveiled Never Stop Punching to the world to commemorate National Punch Day. See, it’s funny because the day is actually referring to the « punch » drinks, but this is…never mind. The side-scroller game is playable on the Jack Reacher movie website and can also be downloaded on Google Play. Taking away all those pesky plot points in favor of basic, 8-bit goodness, this video game lets users play as a Jack Reacher who « has nothing to lose and everything to punch. » The controls are simple enough when playing on a keyboard: press the ‘Z’ key to punch and the ‘X’ key to jump. As you charge forward, the bad guys keep coming, leaving it up to you whether to jump out of their way or punch them in the face. Just make sure not to lose those five hearts, otherwise you’ll be forced to stop punching…permanently!

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