Credit: Northfoto/Shutterstock
In a world that revolves around technology, video is an important tool for businesses. And whether you use video as a marketing tool or center your entire brand on video content, social media is a great medium for sharing these clips (and making them go viral, if you’re lucky!).
Facebook recognizes the importance of video content, so the company is testing a new update to the video section of Facebook pages. According to Tech Crunch, the social networking giant wants to make pages « less like a newspaper that come[s] to you and more like TV channels you turn on. »
The update, which ABC News and a few other business pages have tested, seems to mirror YouTube in design and functionality. Now, when users click the Videos tab on a brand’s Facebook page, they’ll see a large, featured video with the comments to the right side. Below that will be a section for the page’s video playlists. As for now, the content under the Videos tab simply looks like a photo album, with video stills and the play length. [5 Ways Marketers Get Digital Video Wrong ]
This new layout will be a great way to highlight videos that have done well in your campaigns or new videos that you want to gain traction. However, Tech Crunch noted that if you don’t select featured videos or make playlists, your videos will show up simply as a chronological list. But unlike the current display, this list will additionally show titles, video length, « like » counts and view counts.
Facebook’s recent focus on video content seems especially appropriate given that video views per month on the social network grew 50 percent from May to July, 2014, according to Tech Crunch.
Facebook will automatically roll out the new design to all pages in the coming weeks, the company told Tech Crunch.