A screen capture of the suspect grabbing one officer’s uniform and preventing her from leaving the car park. ― Picture taken from Facebook/Ben Teranova
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 25 ― Two people recorded obstructing two female Shah Alam City Council traffic enforcers from executing their duties in an online video will face action, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said today.
Khalid said that the behaviour of the duo, including grabbing one officer’s uniform and preventing her from leaving the car park, was unacceptable.
“It’s clearly obstructing an officer from carrying out duties, and also sexual harassment,” he said during a press conference here.
“I want to remind everyone: do not try to bully officers who are doing their jobs, what more female officers,” he added.
The Star reported today that the two individuals, a married couple, were arrested on the day of the incident and that the case has been referred to the deputy public prosecutor.
The couple allegedly harassed the female officer for issuing them with a parking ticket.
* A previous version of the report incorrectly identified the officers involved as police, when they are in fact from the Shah Alam City Council, and has since been corrected.
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