Instagram’s Hyperlapse app allows you to create stunning time-lapse videos on your smartphone or tablet. In this week’s Creator’s Tip, we discuss the ways you can use this method to create some great marketing videos.
5 Ways to Use the Hyperlapse App For Video Marketing
Maybe your brand already has a video marketing strategy, and you are creating a lot of video content around your product or services. Hopefully, you are also producing, and distributing, content for social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Facebook. Hyperlapse is an app that allows you to share video content with all those platforms from a mobile device, and we’ve seen several brands use the app in a very innovative way. Let’s take a look at 5 examples.
#1 Use the App to Create a Tour Video
Because the app films in high-speed, you can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. This is perfect for creating a video that takes the viewer behind the scenes at an event, or a promotion, or a venue. The Hard Rock Cafe in Vancouver created this 15 second Hyperlapse video to show viewers around it’s casino. It hasn’t got the highest production values, but it’s quick and easy to create.
This type of content could also be really useful for store owners, restaurant owners, or even realtors who want to showcase a new property.
#2 Use Hyperlapse to Create Unboxing Videos
Viewers love unboxing videos – just look at the amount of views that these types of video get on YouTube! As a brand, you could use the Hyperlapse app to tease the viewer with a first glimpse of a new product. Oreo did this brilliantly with it’s #minidelivery campaign:
#3 Use Hyperlapse For Simple Brand Promotions
You’re already creating promotional videos, so why not use the Hyperlapse app to create extra content around them? With a little bit of creativity, you can use the app to get your brand in front of a wider audience, one that is active on Instagram or Vine, and is open to engagement. By creating these types of short videos, you are also providing a great social asset to share. Disney are very active on Instagram, and created this Hyperlapse video to show off its famous teacup ride. It resonated well with followers, generating over 40,000 likes.
#4 Use Hyperlapse for a Behind the Scenes Video of Your Brand
Nothing turns a viewer off more than being constantly bombarded with sales pitches, so to offer branded content that doesn’t throw a product in their face is always a welcome break. Micro-form videos on platforms like Instagram lend themselves very well to behind the scenes snapshots, and adding Hyperlapse to the mix can make that mini video very compelling for the viewer. We love this sneak peak at a cartoonist hard at work creating Spongebob Squarepants content for Nickelodeon.
#5 Use Hyperlapse to Tell a Story About a Product or Service
Create a story that shows your audience how your product can enhance their life, or how it was created, or how it can be used. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated, the beauty of this type of video production is that you have to keep it short and simple, and that can make great content. Footlocker did this perfectly in the following video:
You can download the Hyperlapse app from the Apple store.
Let us know in the comments below if you are using this app to create great marketing videos.